Right now, we all could benefit from bite-sized solutions that can be integrated easily, and quickly into our day to day.

What’s that saying?-

“If you don’t take time for your wellness, you will be forced to take time for your illness” 

Joyce Sunada

The truth is we need easy, accessible tools that carry a powerful boost for our mental & physical wellbeing.

Like a wellbeing smoothie which is why I created the CJ Employee Mental Wellness & Resilience Monthly Series.

Each month, there is-

  • learning component that is research & science based
  • theme for personal and professional self care
  • tool for stress management
  • tool for health & mindfulness
  • reflective journaling exercise
  • additional mental wellbeing support & resources 
  • trauma-informed facilitation 

45 Min. Monthly- lunch & learn style

Keeping it barrier free & accessible for employees to drop in, all that is required is pen/paper and journal and access to Zoom link. 

6 Month Program available. *Custom design available to meet the specific needs of your team/employees.

Lead the way to be part of the solution for your employees & team with this CJ Employee Mental Wellness Series.

Contact me at [email protected] to set up a 30 min discovery call.

For more professional offerings, visit my Square Shop

Stay tuned here to receive more Truth Boosts.