My guide, Just the Two of Us (a soft place for tender hearts to land) has now been published and is available for purchase as a PDF e book. I am incredibly grateful to Sheila Kennedy, Editor at Zebra Ink Rochester, New York) for her expertise, generousity and belief in this guide. Without her encouragment, I likely would not have been able to juggle and complete this guide.
Just the Two of Us (a soft place to land for tender hearts)
A tender-hearted guide on how to use Creative Journaling as a key recovery tool to help children (age 4 and up) to connect and process stress, anxiety, trauma. A trauma-informed approach to using Creative Journaling as a soft place to land when feelings are too much, and words are not enough.
I released a Sample Chapter of the guide in May 2020, during early days of Covid-19 and if you like, you can view and download it here.
The response from the shared sample chapter has been extremely positive. Within a few days of releasing it I received this email:
“I am very grateful for the gift of this new tool Nicolle. All this to say, a form of journaling has taken root in our house. Attached is an image my son, Gabe, created from a week ago today (the “Virus” – just in case you don’t recognize it). Thank you so much for your work to create this guide.” – Alyssa M.
Just the Two of Us, guidebook is available for purchase via Square Up Shop in the following options~
- Just the Two of Us Guidebook only~
- Just the Two of Us Guide includes 60 min Consultation~
- SPECIAL LAUNCH Starter Kit~ This “TENDER=HEARTED” Kit includes Journal, Guide, felt pens & stickers. All you need to get started.
Limited time offer only & shipping limitations.
To order your TENDER-HEARTED KIT” inquire via email– [email protected]
Thank you to all for your support~ remember, to take care of Tender Hearts, including your own.