As all essential workers continue to work during this pandemic, I want to be able to do more

as much as I can to support.  One of the key phrases during this pandemic has been “pivot” and

this week I did that,  I successfully launched a 90 minute Webinar!!


My CACCF, 6 CEU course, Creative Journaling: Self-Care for the Helping Professional

was launched as a WEBINAR that includes 2 polls, videos, writing exercises and a Q & A.


This course has primarily been available as an in person/on site workshop or an e-course (delivered via

email) through my Square Up Shop. Now I am able to reach even further to support Self-Care for all those

who work in the relationship intense professions, like counselors, support workers, first responders,

teachers, nurses, doctors et al.


If you know of any organization, facility or company that might benefit from this new Webinar, that focuses on how to use Journaling to reduce stress, strengthen and support positive mental health , resilience and prevent service exhaustion, compassion fatigue etc.

Email me [email protected]